Following a fantastic AGM at Merchant’s Hall, we have a few wise words from our incoming President:
It’s a real honour to be the 73rd President of Bristol Junior Chamber. I would like to start by saying a big thank you to my predecessor Oliver Brown for a fantastic BJC year. Thanks to everyone who was able to attend the AGM. I hope you are as excited about the coming year as I am.
For those who weren’t able to attend we have some exciting speakers coming up, starting at our May monthly meeting with two time world record holder and tech start up founder Paul Archer – see the events page! In addition to the BJC calendar ahead, I will be looking to launch a ‘BJC Internship’ this summer. The aim of the internship is to give students from disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to experience high quality work placements. If you or your firm would be interested in supporting this initiative, do please get in touch. Finally – a huge welcome to my Council of Management, both familiar and new faces, I’m really looking forward to the twelve months ahead and to working with you all in producing another great BJC year.
Best wishes, Charlie – BJC President 2017-2018