Thanks to all those who volunteered at the City Leadership Programme. Lots of great comments from the volunteers. We have also had some excellent feedback directly from the Mayor, together with an invite to participate again next year! Marvin’s personal email to the BJC reads “I just wanted to send you a note to thank you for your contribution to the City Leadership Programme last month, on mine and all the participants’ behalf. Your support with finding volunteers and arranging a schedule was fantastic. BJC’s contribution to the two-week summer course was invaluable, and I was so pleased to see such a great range of speakers accept the invitation to take part. I’ve had some excellent feedback from participants and the facilitators, Sherrie and Simon. We’ve already seen a huge amount of positivity from the participants about the future and I am excited to see what happens next. Please let me know if you would all like to get involved in the programme again next year – we would love to have you back. Please could you also share this email with BJC volunteers. Kind regards – Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol” – Well done team BJC & watch this space to get involved with more great projects later in the year!