The annual exchange of the Hannover & Bristol Junior Chamber took place at the weekend, and how brilliant it was! We enjoyed a fun Friday at Lefthanded Giant Brewpub on the waterfront followed by live music at the Old Duke on King Street. Saturday saw a ‘climbing the rigging’ experience at the fantastic ss Great Britain with a full tour of the ship, learning all about its history & incredible preservation for the future as a wonderful visitor attraction. A Bristol graffiti walking tour & stencil session at Hamilton House followed topped off with dinner at the Canteen in Stokes Croft. The handover of the Bristol – Hannover rod of friendship, a fun quirk of the exchange and a real challenge to get on the flight each and every year!, took place – engraved with each year’s host name, it’s a brilliant reminder of the historic twinning relationship we share between these two organisations! A wonderful weekend, thankyou to all those who hosted & joined us in showcasing a great celebratory exchange visit for our Hanoverian Junior Chamber friends! You can view the photos from the weekend here, and remember to like the page to hear more from the BJC!