Our September monthly meeting saw us visit Triodos Bank. Our Chair of Social Economy, Benjamin Pean writes the following update for members;
I wish to thank all individuals (BJC Members, non-members and our speakers) who have contributed to make our BJC annual Social Economy meeting a great success on the path to deliver a sustainable and positive change.
This meeting was generously hosted by the Triodos Bank Foundation, and jointly organised by our Chair of Social Economy Benjamin Pean with our Charity Partner Quartet Community Foundation (Speakers: Sue Turner / Sabita Ravi).
The following Social Enterprises – Charities had the opportunity to share their projects promoting the sustainable and social positive impact for all in Bristol;
PAPER ARTS – Empowering young individual interested in launching their own creative business. SPEAKER : GRACE KRESS
ABOVE & BEYOND – A Charity Fundraising for Bristol city centre hospitals. SPEAKER : EDD SMITH
THE CONVERGING WORLD – A Social Enterprise promoting the access to affordable and sustainable energy, supporting reforestation and social mobility in the UK and India. SPEAKER : WENDY STEPHENSON
YOU were yesterday the Game Changer and decided to elect the project introduced by the Converging World.
This investment of £850 will support a project of reforestation and be allocated to the first acre of reforestation for the Forest the size of Bristol.