I’m Kate Woosnam, President of Bristol Junior Chamber 2022-2023. I’m very excited to be in this role and I am looking forward to my 12 months as President.
I was previously an employment lawyer for around eight years in Bristol, before I moved into an employee relations role in house in HR in London. I moved back to Bristol in 2020 and I now work as a specialist HR investigator and consultant. As a result of my day job I have a keen interest in equality, diversity and inclusion and this is one of my key focuses for my year as President of BJC. As an organisation, BJC has already taken steps to be move diverse and inclusive, but I want to continue to work with my Council of Management and our newly created D&I Committee to drive this agenda and take steps to effect lasting change. I’m also committed to broadening the range of speakers we welcome to our monthly meetings and the topics that we cover at these, as well as the events that we put on and the timings of them to ensure they are fully accessible to all our members.
Due to the uncertainty and lack of face-to-face contact that we have had over the last two years as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, I want to try and ensure that we hold as many in-person events as we can so that members can fully benefit from BJC’s goals: to allow professional and personal networking and enable members to build those connections in Bristol as a business community. We already have some exciting events lined up and I can’t wait to see our members (old and new) at these.
I love the city of Bristol and I am so proud to be part of BJC and even more so to be its current President.